Not that long ago, it was extremely rare to hear people talking about egg donation. And, even now, most people are uncomfortable talking about it. However, understanding this process can be really important for women who are considering egg donation.

For starters, if you are one of the people who are considering the process, you should know that you are not alone. Tens of thousands of egg donation cycles take place every year. And, as the process is becoming more of an everyday occurrence, people want to know more about it.

Some of the most frequent questions are regarding the safety of the egg donation process. For that reason, we have decided to separate those questions from our FAQ page.

1. Is it safe?

Before we do anything else, we want to answer the most burning question. And, yes, donating eggs is safe. There are no long-term risks for egg donors that are supported by evidence. In fact, there are massive studies that show egg donation to be safe.

2. Are there any short-term risks?

While egg donation is perfectly safe in the long run, there are things you have to consider. There are several potential side effects that our experts will talk to you about to make sure you are safe. These are the potential risks you should consider:

Side effects of the medication

It is possible to experience short-term side effects. The egg donor medication can cause moodiness, bloating, fatigue, and other mild side effects. There is also a slight risk of the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, but that is something we can easily treat.

Reactions to antibiotics

Sometimes, it is necessary to use antibiotics to protect the donor from infections. It is important to be aware of potential allergies in order to avoid allergic reactions.


The process of egg donation includes the donor taking fertility-enhancing medication. That means that the donors tend to be more fertile after the donation than they were before. In the case of unprotected sex, egg donors are way more likely to become pregnant.

Discomfort during egg retrieval

The process of retrieving an egg is mild, and it usually goes without any issues. However, it is possible to feel a certain level of discomfort during the procedure. You should also bear in mind that there is a slight chance for the process to cause slight scratches.

3. What can a donor do to minimize the short-term risks?

The answer to that question is very simple — ask any questions you might have. Have faith in the experts you are working with and ask away. We can’t recommend enough for you to ask away so that you can educate yourself. The more you know, the better the entire process is going to go.

Furthermore, apart from just asking questions, we would advise you to inform the staff about any relevant facts that might influence the process. Tell them if you have already donated eggs and inform them of any condition you might have, even if it might not seem relevant to you.

If you’re considering becoming an egg donor, visit us at: